
The Inevitable Harry & Meghan Lifetime Movie Has Found Its Harry and Meghan - Irez247Live

The Inevitable Harry & Meghan Lifetime Movie Has Found Its Harry and Meghan

Former TV star Meghan Markle will sadly not be starring in the TV movie about her own life. Lifetime’s upcoming Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance, the inevitable movie about the courtship of Prince Harry and former Suits star Meghan Markle, has cast Murray Fraser and Parisa Fitz-Henley as the transatlantic couple.

The film will start shooting later this week in Vancouver (which will have to double for London and, we guess, Toronto, where they shot a lot of Suits) and it’ll premiere sometime this spring (the wedding is May 19, so they’re working on a tight deadline). If there’s any justice in the world, either Murray or Parisa will go on to marry a Duke or Duchess and then they’ll make another Lifetime movie about that, with a star who goes on to marry a count or countess, and then the’ll make another movie about that … May the great wheel of fame keep on turning.

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